Gabungan NGO "Suara Rakyat 505" akan tetap meneruskan himpunanmereka esok biarpun ramai pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat mula ditangkap sejak semalam.
Penggerak utama himpunan itu, Solidariti Anak Muda Malayisa (SAMM) menegaskan, mereka tetap bertekad untuk memastikan himpunan mencapai matlamat, walaupun terpaksa berdepan dengan penangkapan.
Koordinator NGO itu, Badrul Hisham Shaharin berkata, siri penangkapan terbaru tiga pemimpin dan aktivis rakyat dan seorang aktivis mahasiswa merupakan tindakan terdesak untuk menutup suara rakyat.
"Negara seolah-olah berada dalam keadaan 'belum merdeka' ketika mereka yang bersuara bercakap benar disumbatkan ke dalam lokap seterusnya didakwa atas akta yang sepatutnya telah dimansuhkan.
"Ini bukti kegagalan transformasi Najib, ketika kerajaan yang ada hari ini tidak punya sokongan majoriti," katanya dalam satu kenyataan.
Menurutnya lagi, peristiwa penangkapan hari ini mengingatkankepada bagaimana penceroboh Sulu contohnya, diberi layanan dan masa yang selesa tetapi rakyat sendiri dilayan umpama penjenayah besar.
"Sesungguhnya rakyat tidak sedia ditipu lagi dalam 5 tahun akan datang, tetapi rakyat sedia untuk memperjuangkan tuntutan demokrasi bila-bila masa dari sekarang," katanya sambil menyeru rakyat hadir 25 Mei ini.
Himpunan tersebut dijadual berlangsung di Padang Timur (Amcorp Mall) bermula jam 5 petang sehingga malam. HD
尊敬的女士, 先生们
ReplyDelete马华鹅麦主席叶金福律师办事处(Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong) 是欺骗女人的办事处,吃寺庙钱的律师......
请女士, 先生们,莫得到欺骗
Please share to everyone.....
To all Malaysians respected,
respectfully here, we wish to inform that YIP KUM FOOK (YIP KUM FOOK & ASSOCIATES) and YIP JIUN HANN job as a lawyer who runs at: NO. 2A & 2B, 2ND FLOOR ROAD 53, DESA JAYA, KEPONG 52100 KUALA LUMPUR
We are all Malaysians to take notice and far from people mentioned above because do not hit plot
They are very nasty and black hearts (cruel), able to cheat women money, destroy families and himself consuming of Temple money, SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, NO: 19 JALAN 38 TAMAN DESA JAYA, KEPONG, KUALA LUMPUR, and pretend to report police lost receipts ......... please note
Thank you,
Please share to everyone .......
Datuk Yip Kum Fook brought the idea of politics to play in the temple, this is very wrong because every religion cannot interfere with politics, government, business and so on, but Datuk Yip Kum Fook never knew what religion because he never studied religion.
ReplyDeleteIn the future, if people know the truth of what you or he did, where you can't hide something, at that time you will miss your own life and you will have less power, your family will be destroyed or collapsed... people will laugh at you and you will walk alone on the road with someone giving you a chance....
Even now people don't respect you because of your background, then you were more proud and always called the police and thugs to disturb people in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong...now people are not afraid of the police and thugs because they are not (do) mistaken for the country....just you(yip) scare yourself
Also he brought political ideas to play in the temple, then the temple people became many groups, after that the temple committee was separated, but he did not understand what happened because he never studied Dhamma, and he was always jealous of the Buddhist monks and cheated the monks of money.
From Mr Chan, Kepong….Kuala Lumpur
Datuk Yip Kum Fook is the community or the Chinese people rejected for insulting Buddhist monks in Kepong some years ago, there are people who are very angry and post-bad words on the internet, he and his team create evil for Buddha because of being a Temple committee.
ReplyDeleteWhen he removed the monks from the Temple (Samnak Sambodhi, Taman Desa Jaya) all the monks had to leave the temple and went to rent some hotel for the night...they didn't give the monks a chance because they had power and police power (they used police and thugs to discarding monks), this is a great sin in Buddhist teachings, if they die, they will suck the earth underground as someone did with the Buddha before.
The Sangha are Buddha students and they are not respected because they have to control the Temple or money...Datuk Yip Kum Fook is a lawyer and MCA man (lawyer his title is fake because he bought a certificate from some institute in UK(Malaysia ) and he never went to study ), he doesn't have time to study because he is very busy with business furniture and playing politics in Taman Daya, Kepong...some people say he is a driver who delivers furniture everywhere....
From Ah Lee, Bkt Desa, Kepong